6 Social Media Growth Hacks for Startups

4 min readSep 23, 2024


Photo rawpixel on Freepik.com

You’ve just launched your startup, and now you’re staring at your Instagram profile, wondering how to get those likes and follows rolling in. Been there, right? Growing on social media can feel like you’re shouting into the void, especially when you’re just starting out. But don’t stress since I’ve got some growth hacks that can help your startup stand out, even if you’re on a shoestring budget. Let’s see what that is!

1. You Must Know Your Audience.

Knowing your audience is step one in effective communication. Pitch your app to a college student in a different way than you would to your granny, would you? In order to produce content that speaks directly to your audience, it is important to understand their likes, dislikes, and online behaviors. If you want to know when your audience is online and what kinds of posts they like most, you’ve found your new best friends in Instagram Insights and the now-defunct Facebook Analytics. You can do a lot with just a little bit of investigating (or, “research”).

2. Act as If Your Company Relies On It (Because It Does)

Posting and disappearing isn’t going to cut it anymore, so let’s be honest. Respond to comments left on your post. Distribute it if they mention you. The essence of social media lies on user engagement, which is more than simply a phrase. There is an opportunity to engage with prospective clients with every remark, like, and share. But you know what? Customers are more likely to remain loyal if they feel valued and appreciated. I say, “Slide right into those comments” as long as you maintain a professional demeanor.

3. Leverage the Power of Free Instagram Likes

Okay, let’s talk about the elephant in the room: those pesky Instagram algorithms. They favor posts that already have some traction, which can feel super unfair when you’re just starting out. That’s where a little boost can help. Free Instagram likes can give your content that initial bump in visibility, making your posts look more popular than they actually are (we’ve all been there).

Think of it like this: if you walk past two cafes, and one’s packed while the other’s empty, you’re more likely to check out the busy one, right? That’s exactly how people behave online, too. In fact, a recent study showed that posts with higher engagement are 50% more likely to show up on the Explore page. So, don’t shy away from giving your posts a little push to get noticed.

4. Jump on Trends (But Keep It On-Brand)

Remember when everyone was doing the Ice Bucket Challenge or that “How It Started vs. How It’s Going” thing? Trends are like free advertising — they come with built-in hype. But here’s the catch: not every trend will fit your brand, and that’s okay. The key is to pick and choose what makes sense for you. If your startup’s vibe is more serious and professional, maybe skip the dance challenges and focus on something like informative reels or thought-provoking infographics.

5. Work with Micro-Influencers (They’re Less Expensive Than You Believe)

We all want a famous person to support our product, but let’s be honest: most new businesses just don’t have the capital to achieve that. Now we have micro-influencers. Think of these artists as having a smaller but more engaged following — anywhere from a hundred thousand to one hundred thousand. They are more open to working on innovative, low-budget initiatives and are often less expensive. Plus, their audience has greater faith in them as they appear more like regular folks rather than faceless celebrities. According to research, 82% of individuals would put more stock in a suggestion from a micro-influencer than they would in a more conventional advertisement.

6. Maintaining a Consistent Approach Is Crucial

Consistency is key, I know that sounds like a broken record. Maintaining a regular posting schedule is essential, albeit not required. Both your audience and those algorithms will be pleased if you do this. If you want to avoid having to think of content ideas on the fly, you may prepare and schedule it in advance using tools like Later or Buffer.

Final Thoughts

Keeping up with the ever-changing landscape of social media requires a mindset that is both adaptable and receptive to new methods. The important thing is to always be learning and experimenting, whether that’s by trying out free Instagram likes to increase engagement or by following the newest trend. So, go out there and start doing new things; just keep in mind that every interaction brings you closer to building your brand. No problem!

